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How to Record Payments

How can I record a payment on an invoice in a case?

Jenny Edmondson avatar
Written by Jenny Edmondson
Updated over 7 months ago

If you need to record a payment of any kind - offline or online, overpay or partial - look no further!

Recording an Offline Payment (Cash, Check, Insurance, etc.)

First, create an invoice if you don't already have one in place. If you've already sent the invoice to the family and now need to record an offline payment, don't worry, you can still do so!

Open the case and click on the Payments tab. Scroll down the page to the section labeled Invoices and locate the invoice on which you need to record the payment:

Either click on the three vertical dots to the right of the invoice and select Record payment from the options:

Or click on the green Record invoice payment button:

A pop-up box will appear that asks for the payment information. If you've clicked on the Record invoice payment button, you will need to select the invoice to which you will be applying the payment:

If you've clicked on the three dots to the right of an invoice, you've already selected an invoice to pay and therefore will not have the Apply to invoice dropdown field.

If the invoice was split between multiple recipients, select the correct recipient to record by whom the payment was made:

Next, select the payment method. There are options for Credit Card, Debit Card, Check, Cash, Insurance, and Other:

Next, you will enter the Amount. It can be an overpayment or a partial payment, but the amount initially defaults to the balance of the invoice you select to pay:

After entering the amount of the payment (and updating the date and time, if needed), you'll notice that the boxes for Send request for electronic signature and Send receipt are checked by default. Make sure the boxes are checked for the actions you want to take or make sure they are unchecked if you don't want any action to take place for those items. After reviewing the payment screen and confirming everything is correct, hit the green Record payment button in the lower right corner:

When the payment records successfully, you will see a confirmation window appear:

You will now see the invoice as paid when you click into it:

Recording an Online Credit Card Payment

If you need to process a payment through Stripe or Payrix, you will first need to make sure the Payment method is set to Credit card. Next, you will need to switch the toggle to the "on" position while recording a payment. This will activate the fields in which you will enter the Cardholder name, Card number, Expiration date, CVC, and Zip/Postal code (**Please note that the information keyed into these fields must match exactly what is on file with the credit card/bank. If the payment fails, don't hesitate to reach out to Customer Support for assistance.):

After you've entered the necessary information, click on the green Record payment button to process the credit card. Give the system a few moments to process the payment. Once the payment has been recorded successfully, you will receive the following confirmation message:

Recording a Partial Payment

If the family can only pay a partial amount on the invoice, you are able to enter an amount that is less than the invoice. Follow the same steps to record a payment by either clicking on the green Record invoice payment button or the three vertical dots to the right of the invoice on which you want to record a payment and go through the steps of recording the payment:

You'll notice that the option to Send request for electronic signature is disabled when you complete a partial payment. That option will become available once the invoice has been paid in full.

After you've recorded the payment, when you click into the invoice, you will see the payment applied as well as the remaining balance of the invoice:

Recording an Overpayment

We realize there may be times when you will need to record an overpayment on an invoice to ensure efficient reconciliations with your accounting software. Follow the same steps to record a payment by either clicking on the green Record invoice payment button or the three vertical dots to the right of the invoice on which you want to record a payment and go through the steps of recording the payment:

In turn, this will display in the case as an Overpaid amount:

And if you click into the invoice, you will see it as Overpaid:

Recording a Non-Invoice Payment

Non-Invoice payments are typically recorded if a payment has been received, but you don't yet have an invoice to which it can be applied. To record a non-invoice payment, simply click on the green Record non-invoice payment button:

We do have a disclaimer that appears at the top of the popup window to remind you that the payment will NOT be applied to any invoice. Enter the amount you wish to record and hit the green Record payment button in the lower right corner:

After hitting OK in the confirmation window, you will see the payment under Non-invoice payments:

As long as the payment was recorded offline, you have the option to delete it by clicking on the three vertical dots to the right and selecting Delete payment:

If the payment was recorded as an online credit card payment, you will need to issue a refund.

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