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Customizing Your Email Templates

Learn how to tailor email communications to your business's preferences

Hillary Scalmanini avatar
Written by Hillary Scalmanini
Updated over 6 months ago

Easily customize your email templates in Parting Pro to fit your business’s needs. You can edit the following types of emails:

  • Proposal Emails

    Sent to families to review service offerings and pricing online.

  • Online Order Confirmations

    Confirms receipt of services paid for in the online arranger.

  • Digital Form Emails

    Guides customers to complete and electronically sign required documents.

  • ID Verifications

    Directs recipients to complete identity verification online for their loved one.

  • Death Certificate Working Copies

    Allows recipients to review and approve or correct death certificate details.

Step 1: Accessing Email Templates

Go to Settings in your dashboard:

On the left side of the screen, you will see all of the available email templates:

Step 2: Editing a Template

Select the template you wish to customize by clicking on the pencil ✏️ icon.

  • User-initiated emails are triggered by some action that you take within your dashboard (i.e. sending the proposal email or sending digital forms for signature)

  • Automated notification emails are sent automatically to the either the family or the funeral home based on a certain action (i.e. a form completion or online arranger submission)

Modify the Sender Name, Subject Line, and Email Body.

You can insert case-specific auto-fill fields using the field mapping keys. Simply copy and paste them into the sender, subject, body, or footer sections.

When updating any bracketed fields, be sure to copy & paste from the Field mapping key section. This ensures that the associated data is displayed correctly.

Email Attachments

Proposal and online order confirmation emails that are sent to the family allow for attachments to be included.

To add an email attachment to the template, simply drag a file into the box or click in the box to open your File Explorer (or Finder in Mac) and select a file to attach.

Reminders: Some emails also allow for reminder emails to be scheduled. To make edits to existing or set up new reminder emails, check out Setting Reminder Emails in Parting Pro

Preview the email

To see what the email will look like for the recipient (family or funeral home user), click the Preview button.

Save your edits

Once you've completed all edits to a template, click on the Save changes button.

🛍️ Online Order Confirmation Emails

Within these specific templates, there are example blocks that display customer details and order summaries. These are provided with sample data and included in the template to accurately showcase the structure of the email.

When a confirmation email is automatically sent for a specific arrangement, this section of the email will be populated with case and arrangement specific data.

⚠️ Oops - I accidentally removed a button or link!

Certain templates contain buttons and links tied to specific URLs. These links have predefined functionality:

  • Proposals: Opens the Online Arranger using {{case_shop_url}}

  • Digital Forms: Sends recipients to the signing process using {{sign_documents_url}}

  • ID Verification: Directs recipients to complete ID verification using {{id_verification_url}}

  • Death Certificate Working Copy: Allows review of the document using {{working_copy_url}}

  • Order Confirmations to Funeral Home: Takes funeral home staff to the payment tab of a case using {{case_payments_url}}

If you accidentally remove a link or button, you can simply re-insert the appropriate field code using the link 🔗 icon. Copy the code you need from those listed above and paste it into the link field.

To turn a link into a button, highlight the linked text and click the Button option. Voila!

Can't figure it out or worried you're doing it wrong? Contact support for help!

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