On your dashboard, click + NEW CASE.
Enter in all the information you collected on the phone with the caller. Informant email address is CRITICAL because Parting Pro has automated emails you can send to save time, follow up with families, and keep them with YOU!
No fields are required to create a case; however, try to at least get the name of the informant and their email address. This way you can send them the informational email.
You can also add any information about the Decedent, Place of Death, Next of Kin.
You can also turn off Basic details. This will allow you to enter additional information such as Demographics, Disposition, Military Service, Marital, and Parents.
Some fields to note under Account Details:
Lead source
Options: Direct, Online, Nursing Facility, Hospice, Hospital, Word of Mouth, Previously Served, or Parting Pro
Your selection allows you to track your conversion rate based on the source of your call. We give you conversion rate reporting so that you know where your marketing has been effective.
Case stage: Customer
Setting up the case stage as a Customer will set the case as a Shopper.
Type of need: Pre-Need
Options: At-Need, Pre-Need, or Imminent
Setting up the type of need as Pre-Need will set the case as Pre-Need.
Level of Interest
Options: Shopping, Interested, Very Interested, or Decided
Your selection allows you to track your conversion rate based on the level of interest of the caller.
Once you've finished entering the information, click SAVE to create the Pre-Need Case.