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How to Use Notes in a Case

Adding notes to a case to assist in team collaboration.

Will Chang avatar
Written by Will Chang
Updated over a week ago

Notes can be used to log a lot of information pertaining to a case. These can include details of the case such as special requests, physician details, merchandise orders, or where the body of a decedent is, to name a few.

Notes are timestamped so you have a record of the date and time something has been completed. The team member who submitted the note is logged, as well, for team collaboration (any notes left by Parting Admin were posted by your Parting Pro Support team).ย 

To add Notes, while in a case, click on the Notes tab. Type in your note and click Add note:

You'll notice that once added, the name of the team member and a timestamp are associated with the note:

To edit a note, simply click on the pencil to the right, make any changes and then save:

And to delete a note, simply click on the trash can to the right of the pencil and click the Delete note button to confirm deletion. **Please note - deleting is permanent so please make sure you are deleting the correct note. All team members can delete notes regardless of who posted them:

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