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How to Invite, Edit and Remove Team Members
How to Invite, Edit and Remove Team Members

How do I add more users to Parting Pro? How can I edit or remove a user?

Jenny Edmondson avatar
Written by Jenny Edmondson
Updated over 10 months ago

Below are instructions on how to add team members to your organization as well as edit their login information and remove them as users.

**Please note - any changes to Team Members can only be made by users who are assigned the Administrator role. Please note the following:

  • Administrators have the ability to:

    • Add/remove both team members and other Administrators

    • Designate which users are Funeral Directors

    • Issue refunds

    • Access payout information on the Payments page

    • Edit email templates

    • Restore deleted team members

    • Edit customized white-labeling of online arranger

    • Utilize the Passare integration functionality

  • Team Members can:

    • Collaborate on all work, but do not have access to admin features

Adding Users to Your Team Page

To access the Team page, click on your name in the upper, right corner and select Team from the dropdown:

In order to add a new user, click on the Add user button in the Invited users section of the Team page:

The Add user window will appear. First name and Email are the only required fields, however, we recommend using first and last names as this will be the name associated with any email correspondences within any case this team member is assigned. **Please Note** - the email address used must be unique. The same email address CANNOT be used for more than one user.

Select the user's role (see role descriptions below each role in the Add user window). You will also notice a checkbox for a Licensed Funeral Director. **Check this box if the person is a) a Licensed Funeral Director and b) will need to have their signature on any forms (and don't forget to add a license number):

After hitting Add, you will then see the new team member listed under Invited users where they will stay until they successfully set up their account:

They will be sent an email at the address provided in the Add user window which will include a link to set up a password:

They will then be able to create their password:

And once they hit Set my password, they will be logged into the dashboard:

Resending, Editing and Deleting an Invitation to a Team Member

Resend an Invitation

If you have a team member stating that they didn't receive the initial invitation and you need to resend it, simply navigate to the Invited users section of the page and click on the three vertical dots to the right of the invited team member to which you need to resend the invitation. Select Resend in the dropdown and another invitation will be sent to the email associated with that team member:

Edit an Invitation

If you sent an invitation to a team member and used an incorrect email address or the user would prefer a different email address be used for their account, click on the three vertical dots to the right of the team member and select Edit from the dropdown:

This will bring up a window in which you can edit the details of that team member. Once you've updated the necessary fields, click on the green Update button in the lower right corner:

You will be taken back to the main page on which you will click the three vertical dots to the right of the invited team member and select Resend in the dropdown to resend the invitation to the updated email address:

Delete an Invitation

If you need to delete an invitation, simply click on the three vertical dots to the right of the team member and select Delete from the dropdown. This will essentially "break" the link that was sent initially, not allowing them to set up an account:

Editing and Deleting an Active Team Member

If you need to update any information associated with a team member (such as their name, email address, or permission status), simply navigate to the Active users section of the page and click on the three vertical dots to the right of their name and select Edit from the dropdown:

A popup window will appear in which you can edit any necessary fields (**Please Note** - when changing an email address, ensure that it is unique to your organization. The same email address CANNOT be used for more than one team member.). Once you've update their information, click on the green Update button in the lower right corner:

If a team member has left your organization and they need to be removed, navigate to the Active users section. Once the team member has been located, click on the three vertical dots to the right of their name and select Delete. This will effectively move the team member to the bottom of the page under the Deactivated users section (where they can be restored, if needed). Deleting a user will disable their login completely and they will no longer have access to Parting Pro:

Click on Remove to confirm the deletion:

Restoring a Deleted Team Member

Navigate to the Team page and scroll down to Deactivated users at the bottom. Locate the team member you need to restore and click on the three vertical dots to the right of their profile. Select Restore. That's it!

**Reminder - you must be an Administrator to perform this task.

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