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Resetting or Creating Your Password

How do I reset my password?

Jenny Edmondson avatar
Written by Jenny Edmondson
Updated over 9 months ago

If you've forgotten the password you set for your Parting Pro account, no need to panic. Resetting your Parting Pro password is super simple!

Accessing the Login Page

Navigate to your Parting Pro dashboard's login page. This will be: In the below example, the subdomain is hillary in the URL.

Sending a Reset Password Link

This will bring you to the login screen. Click on the link just below the green Log in button labeled Forgot password:

Input the email address associated with your Parting Pro account and click Send reset instructions:

You will then be taken back to the login screen which will show a confirmation message:

**Please note - if you enter an email address that is not set up in the system as a user, you will receive a message that the email address is not found. If you can't recall the email address you use to access Parting Pro, please reach out to our support team at [email protected] and we'll be happy to look that up for you!

Resetting Your Password

After clicking on the Send reset instructions button, you will receive an email with a subject line of Reset password instructions. The email will contain a reset link labeled CHANGE MY PASSWORD - click on that link to reset your password:

**Please note - if you are already logged into Parting Pro with a different login (perhaps a coworker's login), you will not be able to access the page to change your password until you successfully log out of Parting Pro. Make sure you click on the name in the upper right corner of the screen and click on Sign out to successfully log out of the dashboard:

After you've ensured that you are not logged into Parting Pro and you've clicked on the CHANGE MY PASSWORD link in the email, you should then be directed to the Change your password page. Enter your new password twice and hit the green Change my password button to set your new password with a minimum of six characters with at least one of the following: one upper-cased letter, one lower-cased letter, one number, and one of the following special characters - !, @, #, $, &, %:

After you've changed your password successfully, you will be directed to the login page to continue:

If You're the First Person on Your Team to Log Into the Dashboard...

If you're brand new to Parting Pro, when you're initially set up as a user you'll have to create a password for your login. The process is very similar to resetting your password, but has additional steps. Once you've created your password, you'll be taken to a page to confirm the funeral home's details and contact information:

At the bottom of that page, you'll have an option to check a box for Use funeral director information to e-sign SFGAS Contract which means that whomever is set up as the primary funeral director with the funeral home will have their signature automatically added to each system-generated SFGAS:

If that box is checked, make sure you provide our team with the name of the primary funeral director and their license number and we'll ensure it's added in the system for you. Once added, their electronic signature will be added to the SFGAS automatically:

The other box to check is a requirement to agree to the electronic records and signature agreement before proceeding to the next step:

After checking that box and hitting the green Next button in the lower, right corner, you'll be directed to a page in which you can invite additional team members. This page can be skipped if you don't have folks to add just yet - simply click on the white Skip This Step button in the lower, right corner to bypass this page. Or, should you have folks you want to add, simply input their first and last names along with their email address and then select their role (click here to read the differences between roles). Click on Send Invitations to send out invitations to each new user:

After you've clicked either the Send Invitations or Skip This Step button, you'll be logged in and directed to your dashboard. You're all set!

If you get stuck at any time, never hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance at [email protected]!

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