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Collecting Reviews From Completed Cases
Collecting Reviews From Completed Cases

How can I send a family a link to provide me with a review of their experience?

Jenny Edmondson avatar
Written by Jenny Edmondson
Updated over a month ago

**Please note the following - if you do NOT want a review sent to a family/informant, do NOT mark a case as Completed. Rather, mark the case as Archived from the dropdown to skip having a review being sent to the informant.

You have the option to have Reviews set up to be sent automatically when a case is marked as Completed OR you can send them manually. Check with a Support team member if you're unsure of your setup.

When your business was initially set up for reviews, you had the option to have reviews submitted by us automatically OR to send those review requests yourself. If the review requests are sent automatically, they are sent the day after a case is marked as Completed. If you are set up to send those requests manually, you will see an option to SEND REQUEST to the right of the case in Pending reviews. Please see more in Reviewing Pending Reviews.

Accessing Your Reviews Reporting Page

To access your reviews reporting page, click on your name on the top right corner and click on Reviews in the dropdown:



Completed Reviews

By default, you are taken to the Completed reviews page. When a case status is changed to Completed, email reminders are sent to the family for seven days asking for a review. Reminders will cease once the family completes the review or after seven days have passed - whichever comes first.

At first glance of the Reviews page, if you have any reviews completed you will have an Overall rating (based on average) displayed in the upper right corner. It will also show you the number of completed reviews on which the average is based. At the bottom of the page you will see navigation buttons for multiple pages, if applicable.

The page contains columns for the Case Owner, Reviewer, Rating, Content, Date of Review, and Site:

  • Case Owner - the funeral home employee who managed the case. This is often, but not always, the funeral director.

  • Reviewer - the Informant listed in the case.

  • Rating - the star rating that the Informant provided.

  • Content - any written review that was completed by the Informant (**Please note - a written review MUST be submitted in order for the review to be posted on the selected media platform. If no written review is provided, but a star rating is, the review will not be posted to Facebook, Google or Yelp.).

  • Date of Review - date review was submitted by the Informant.

  • Site - website of social media platform. Either Google, Facebook or Yelp. If Unknown is showing, this typically means that the Informant did not select a site and only submitted a star rating.

The reviews are collected every Sunday as our system goes through a process which checks for new reviews. Anything new will appear on your Reviews page.

Pending Reviews

To see any reviews that are pending (after a case is marked as completed, the Informant should receive an email the following morning requesting a review), simple click on the Pending button next to Completed in the upper left corner:

On this page, you will see columns for Case Owner, Reviewer, Progress, and Case ID. If you were set up to send review requests manually, you will see a column on the far right for SEND REQUEST. When you click on SEND REQUEST, a review request will be sent to the email address associated with the Informant on the case (this is also the name in the Reviewer column). After sending the request, the words SEND REQUEST will disappear and the Progress will change to Sent. Please be advised that there is no confirmation window that will appear when you click on SEND REQUEST. The email will just be sent immediately when clicking on that option and there is no way to rescind the email once it's sent.

Sending Reviews

To automatically send Reviews after a case is marked as Completed (if you're unsure of this, check with Support and we'll be happy to check your setup), the moment you walk through the steps to complete a case, an email will be sent to the email address of the informant on the case on the following weekday morning asking them to review their experience with your funeral home (Again, if you're currently set up to send reviews manually, changing the status to Completed will not trigger an email. After changing the status to Completed, you will navigate to the Pending reviews page and click on SEND REQUEST next to the Informant name to whom you want to send the request). To retrace steps on marking a case as Completed, while in that case, simply click on the Active button and select Completed from the dropdown:

An email will be sent the next weekday morning:

The Start Review button in the email will direct the informant to a page that will ask them to give you a rating. They will have the option to submit a 1- to 5-star rating. After they select the star rating and as long as the rating is either a 4 or 5, they will be directed to select a media platform on which to leave the review (only written reviews of 4- to 5- star ratings will be shown on the selected platform):

The informant will have the option to choose whether they want to leave a review on Yelp, Google, or Facebook depending on your setup (if you aren't sure what we have set up, please contact Support and we'll be happy to check for you). Clicking on the link will take the informant to the corresponding review page where they can leave their rating and review:

If you DO NOT see Reviews Reporting page, this means we are NOT collecting reviews for you at the moment. If you believe we should be, it is most likely you do not have your Google, Facebook, or Yelp page set up. Please see below for links with instructions to set up your review pages. Once they are set up, please send them to [email protected].

If you opted out of the Reviews Feature and you have changed your mind and want Parting Pro to collect reviews for you, please contact us at [email protected].

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