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Disabling Email Reminders

Need to turn off email reminders after sending forms or shopper email? Here's how!

Hillary Scalmanini avatar
Written by Hillary Scalmanini
Updated over a week ago

You can still turn off email reminders even after you've already sent the shopper email or forms to the family.

For the Shopper Email:

Open the case and navigate to the Email tab. Next to the email that you've sent, click on the Actions dropdown and then click Disable Reminders.

You'll see the change reflected next to the email status.

For Forms:

Open the case and navigate to the Forms tab. Under Digital form history, locate the form in question and click on the Actions dropdown to the right. Click Disable Reminders:

You'll see the change reflected next to the email status. This should ensure that reminders will cease for that specific form (keep in mind that if multiple forms were sent and you've disabled reminders, but the family is complaining that they are still receiving reminders, check all forms to ensure no remaining reminders are enabled):

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