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Parting Pro Chat Feature

How can I get assistance from Customer Support while working in my dashboard?

Jenny Edmondson avatar
Written by Jenny Edmondson
Updated over 8 months ago


The objective of this Help Desk article is to guide dashboard users on how to effectively use the chat feature in the dashboard to search for articles and communicate via chat with Customer Support during business hours (6:30a-3p PDT Monday-Friday).

Short on time? Check out this video for an overview of the chat feature.

Accessing the Chat Feature

  • Click on the chat button located in the lower left-hand corner of the screen to open the chat window:

Home Icon

When first launching the chat window, you'll typically be directed to the Home by default:

With Home selected, you'll notice that you can Search for help, Send us a message or complete any incomplete checklists (make sure you use the up/down scrollbar on the right side to navigate up and down in the window):

Searching for Help (Help Desk Articles) Icon

Did you know we have a wealth of information in our Help Desk article database? If you need to see step-by-step instructions or even a video overview covering how to complete specific actions in your dashboard, you can simply search for the article in the chat window. Just click on Search for help and type in a keyword in the search field and all articles with that keyword will appear. Once you find the article that you need, just click on it to see the details:

You can also access articles by clicking on the Help button at the bottom. This will take you to the same screen where you can type in the keyword and search for article related to that topic:

Chat Icon (Send us a message)

In case you didn't know, you can chat with us in real time! The Support team monitors the chat queue during business hours (6:30a-3p Pacific Time, Monday-Friday excluding holidays) and will typically respond to your inquiries within a few minutes. To send us a message, either click on Send us a message:

Or click on the Messages icon at the bottom of the window:

Either of these options will initiate the process of sending us a message. Once you select to send a message, you'll have several options from which to choose in regards to topics. Make sure you scroll to the bottom to see all of the options - if none apply to you, select the last option for "I have a question about something else" and type in your question. Just make sure you provide as many details as possible so we help you as best as we can!

Tasks Icon

When new features are released, we will sometimes activate step-by-step tasks to help you acclimate to the new feature. If that button is active, that typically means you haven't yet completed the tasks. If you want an interactive learning experience, simply click on Tasks and select the feature you need to complete. You will then be walked through steps in the process until completion. Easy breezy!

As always, if you have questions, just reach out to the Support team at [email protected] if you're unable to utilize the chat feature! We're here to help!

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