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How to Cancel a Payment

Learn how to cancel authorized payments in Parting Pro within 3 hours to avoid processing fees and prevent funds from being captured.

Hillary Scalmanini avatar
Written by Hillary Scalmanini
Updated over 5 months ago

If a family or a funeral home user processes an online payment and a mistake is made, you can cancel the payment within a 3-hour window after it's submitted. This article will show you how to cancel a payment to avoid unnecessary processing fees that typically go along with issuing a refund.

Note: The ability to cancel a payment is only available to Admin users in the dashboard. Additionally, you must be onboarded with Stripe for payment processing. If you have questions about this, contact support.

Payment Authorization Period

After a payment is submitted, it enters an authorized state for 3 hours. During this time, the payment is not fully processed. You’ll see the payment listed as Authorized on both the Payments page and Payment details page.

If no action is taken within the 3 hours, the payment will be automatically processed, and the status will change to Successful.

After the payment is processed, it cannot be canceled, and refunds will need to be issued instead.

Canceling a Payment Within the 3-Hour Window

Payments in the authorized state can be canceled by Admin users.

You can cancel a payment from one of the following places:

  1. Invoice page (accessible from the three dot menu for the payment)

  2. Payment details page (accessible from the dashboard Payments table)

  3. Payments tab in the case - only for miscellaneous payments

Step-by-Step: How to Cancel an Authorized Payment

  1. On the Payment details page, click Cancel Payment

  2. A window will appear asking you to choose a reason for the cancelation:

  3. You can select between:

    1. Duplicate

    2. Fraudulent

    3. Requested by customer

    4. Other (if selected, you must enter additional notes)

  4. Select the reason, add any notes, and confirm by clicking Confirm cancelation.

Once confirmed, the payment status will update to Canceled. You will see the cancelation reason and notes recorded in the timeline.

Important Notes

  • No processing fees will be charged for payments canceled within the authorization window.

  • The payment will not appear as completed, and no funds will be withdrawn from the payer's bank account.

  • The time for the authorization hold to clear from the cardholder’s bank account may vary depending on the bank, but no funds will be processed.

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