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Resending a Form to a Recipient
Resending a Form to a Recipient

How do I resend a form in a case?

Will Chang avatar
Written by Will Chang
Updated over a week ago

Did you send forms to a family member and they are telling you they weren't received? Below are simple instructions for resending forms within a case to the same recipient.

Resending Forms in a Case

While in the case, click on the Forms tab. You will want to scroll down on the page to the items listed under the Digital form history to locate the form you need to resend. Once you identify it, click on the Actions button and select Resend Email:

To see an audit trail showing that the email was resent, click on the dropdown arrow to expand the window and see more detail. Reminders are labeled as Reminder and resent emails are labeled as Email. In the screenshot below, you can see that I resent the email on October 4th at 9:57, which is correct:

What if the email address isn't valid?

If you send forms to an invalid email address, the system will show a couple of identifiers letting you know it was invalid. First, under Digital forms overview, you should see a status of Bounced. Additionally, under Digital form history, you'll see an orange exclamation mark to the left of the form in question:

In order to change the email address to the correct one and resend, click on the dropdown arrow to expand the window. Then click on the link for Change recipient email address:

A pop-up window will appear (make sure you have popups enabled in your browser if the popup isn't appearing):

Change the email address in the Recipient email field to the correct address and then hit Send. As long as the email address is in a valid format, a green check will appear on the right side of the field. If it's not in the correct format, when you hit Send, no email will be sent.

Once sent successfully, you should see the audit trail updated with the most recent timestamp and email.

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