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Setting Up Forms to Be Signed by Funeral Directors
Setting Up Forms to Be Signed by Funeral Directors

How to set up users as Funeral Directors for case assignment and signatures on the Statement of Funeral Goods and Services and other forms.

Jenny Edmondson avatar
Written by Jenny Edmondson
Updated over a week ago

**Please note - any changes to Team Members can only be made by users who are assigned the Administrator role. Please click here to see how to set up/invite new team members.

Putting a Funeral Director's Signature on the SFGAS

On your team, you have the ability to label team members as Funeral Directors. Once a team member has been labeled a Funeral Director, they can be assigned to a case in the Funeral Director position which allows for their name to be electronically signed on an SFGAS for that specific case.

On this test case, you can see that I have Bestest Director assigned to the case as the Funeral Director:

An invoice was created and paid and then sent to the recipient for signature. Once signed, we can click on the three vertical dots to the right of the invoice and select to Download SFGAS to download a printable copy:

When we open the SFGAS, we can see that the Funeral Director associated with this case has their signature on the SFGAS:

Getting a Form Electronically Signed by a Funeral Director

Again and to start, the team member must be labeled as a Funeral Director on the Team page in their setup. For instructions to check on that, click here.

If you're already seasoned with how to send forms, this will come relatively easily to you, but if you aren't, click here for a refresher.

Not all forms require a Funeral Director signature, but for those that do, your Parting Pro Customer Support team will need to set those forms up to accommodate the Funeral Director signature. Once they are set up properly, the steps are quite simple.

1) While in the case, click on the Forms tab and then click on the Send or print button:

2) On the next page, make sure Send forms is selected (for instructions on completing forms with a family in person, click here):

3) Under the Recipient 1 (Primary) tab, enter the recipient First name, Last name, and Email address (The first and last name entered here will be the name PandaDoc will default to for the signature on the form). This will be pre-filled into the forms as the informant/recipient contact information.

You can also select the Informant or Next of Kins stored in the case by clicking on the Recipient dropdown (If there is no informant set up on the case yet, there will be no dropdown):

After entering the necessary information (Email is all that is required), click on Next in the lower, right corner:

4) On the following page, you will select the form(s) you want to send. If the form is set up to accommodate a Funeral Director's signature, you will notice a dropdown associated with that form and text below the name indicating so:

Most forms only need one (1) Funeral Director's signature, but if there are forms which should accommodate more, please inform Customer Support.

5) Select the Funeral Director to which the form should be sent for signature from the dropdown. You will see a checkmark appear next to their name when selected. If you only intend to send it to one Funeral Director, make sure only one name is selected. After the name is checked, you can Edit the form if needed and then hit Next in the lower, right corner:

5) Follow the same steps you do in sending forms. Once you hit Send, emails with links will be sent ONLY to the NOK recipients first. The Funeral Director will NOT receive their email until all other recipients have signed the form(s).

6) In the Forms tab of the case, you should now see the status of the form along with the recipient's status under Digital forms overview as well as the form options in the Actions button under Digital form history (you can delete the form under the Actions button, but if you do, that will break the link that is sent to the recipients):

7) Once the other recipients have finished signing the form, the Funeral Director will then receive their email with a link to open and sign the form. The email they receive will come from the Case Manager assigned to the case:

The statuses under Digital forms overview and Digital form history in the Forms tab has also updated to show Ready for Director:

8) Once the Funeral Director has signed the form in all indicated fields, they will click on the yellow Finish button in the upper, right corner of the form to finalize it:

This will update the statuses to Completed and create Download buttons for the forms under Digital form history:

**Important Note - if you need to delete a form, you can do so by clicking on the Actions button and selecting Delete from the options. If you delete the form under any recipient, that will delete it for all. This action cannot be undone.

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